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AFRIMAT LTD Organogram

Afrimat Ltd is a black-empowered open pit mid-tier mining company that supplies construction materials and industrial minerals to a range of industries across southern Africa. It further supplies bulk commodities to local and international markets, and recently ventured into Future Materials and Metals such as phosphate and green construction materials. Additionally, Afrimat Mining Services offers full pit-to-port solutions to the mining, construction, and quarry industries throughout Southern Africa. It operates in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.\r\n\r\nOperations are conducted through the following business segments, based on the market use of products:\r\n• Construction Materials comprises aggregates, concrete-based products and contracting operations.\r\n- Aggregates manufactures and sells sand, gravel and crushed stone and concrete-based products including concrete made from rock, sand, water and cement. \r\n• Industrial Minerals sells limestone, dolomite, silica and industrial sand.\r\n• Bulk Commodities mines iron ore, manganese and anthracite. Iron ore and anthracite products, including nuts and duff, are manufactured. There are 2 open pit iron ore mine namely, Demaneng and Jenkins mines in the Northern Cape. The Jenkins mine reached steady state production in 2023. The Driehoekspan mine, 33km south of the Demaneng mine, is being developed to replace Demaneng’s production. \r\n• Future Materials and Metals - Processing facility for the production of phosphate products targeting the agricultural sector.\r\n• Mining Services - Group shared services including IT services, consulting services, internal and external logistical and mining services such as contract crushing, drilling and blasting, load and haul.\r\n \r\nAfrimat Mining Services and Afrimat Contracting International subsidiaries offers services that include mobile crushing and screening, load and hauling, bulk drilling and blasting, mine rehabilitation, logistics and rail loadout management.\r\n\r\nAs of 29 February 2024, the group\'s operations consisted of:\r\n• 26 Quarries\r\n• 21 Readymix batching plants\r\n• 2 Limestone source\r\n• 1 Phosphate Stockpile\r\n• 1 Vermiculite mine\r\n• 6 Sand mines\r\n• 1 dolomite source\r\n• 1 dolomite mine\r\n• 6 Brick and block factories\r\n• 2 Clinker sources\r\n• 1 Anthracite mine\r\n• 3 Iron ore mines\r\n• 1 Iron ore source\r\n• 1 Manganese mine