Company Organogram
R 750.00(ZAR) estimated $ 40.08 (USD)*
BKB LTD Organogram
BKB Ltd handles and markets agricultural products (wool, mohair, grain, and livestock), provides farming requisites, finances, and other related activities. Excess warehouse space is leased or otherwise utilised to render warehousing services. \r\n\r\nThere are 6 divisions:\r\n• BKB Consumer goods - Comprises the packaging, distribution, and marketing of sugar, dried fruits, and agro-based consumer goods in local and foreign markets. Includes interests in logistics for exports for the group.\r\n• BKB Grains - Comprises grain storage and handling, maize milling, and lucerne trading.\r\n• BKB Leasing of Properties - The leasing of warehouse, office and retail space.\r\n• BKB Livestock & Properties - Comprises the marketing and auctioneering of livestock, general farming implements, and agricultural, commercial, and residential properties.\r\n• BKB Natural Fibre - Comprises marketing by auction, trading, warehousing and logistics of wool and mohair for both the producer and buyer.\r\n• BKB Retail and fuel - Comprises retail trading branches throughout the country specialising in agricultural requisites and the supply of fuel.\r\n\r\nThe company\'s operations include:\r\n• Livestock and properties\r\n- 10 livestock agent branches\r\n- 50 livestock auction points\r\n- 6 property agent branches\r\n\r\n• Retail and fuel\r\n- 54 agri-retail shops\r\n- 5 commercial forecourts\r\n- 3 fuel depots\r\n- 2 distribution centres\r\n- 1 veterinary wholesaler\r\n\r\n• PaKHouse Brands - consumer goods\r\n- 1 processing plant\r\n- 10 SAFEX accredited grain depots\r\n- 8 on-farm depots\r\n- 1 maize mill