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R 750.00(ZAR) estimated $ 39.62 (USD)*

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Gold Fields Ltd operates as an international gold producer operating with 9 mines across Australia, Chile, Ghana, Peru, West Africa and South Africa.\r\n\r\nThe following mines are in operation:\r\n• South Deep (South Africa) - underground mine\r\n• Tarkwa (Ghana)\r\n• Damang (Ghana) - extended the Life of Mine (LOM) for a further 3 years until 2025\r\n• Asanko (JV) - with a further LOM of at least 15 years\r\n• St Ives (Australia)\r\n• Agnew/Lawlers (Australia)\r\n• Granny Smith (Australia)\r\n• Cerro Corona (Peru) - extended the LOM for a further 8 years until 2030\r\n• Gruyere (Australia) - with a LOM of 10 years. The mine produced 1,061 kilo ounces of gold during the 2022 financial year\r\n\r\nCurrent projects include:\r\n• Windfall project in Quebec - A partnership with Osisko Mining of Canada to develop and mine the underground Windfall Project in Québec, Canada. Gold Fields bought a 50% interest in the project and near-by exploration ventures.\r\n• Salares Norte Project, Chile - a delay in first gold from its Salares Norte Project in Chile to April 2024, after delays in pre-commissioning and commissioning activities impact the project. \r\n\r\nGFL Mining Services Ltd has an agreement with Rand Refinery (Pty) Ltd, in which Gold Fields Ltd holds an interest, providing for the refining of almost all of Gold Fields’ South African gold production.