Company Organogram
R 750.00(ZAR) estimated $ 40.44 (USD)*
Lighthouse Capital p.l.c. invests globally in direct property and listed real estate and infrastructure securities. The Group invests directly and indirectly in dominant and defensive retail malls located in large and mid-sized Western European and UK cities with strong economic support and growth.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe group’s segments comprise:\r\n• Listed Real Estate – Investments in liquid listed real estate securities on recognised exchanges, utilising both cash investments and equity swap derivatives\r\n• Direct Property – Investments in direct commercial properties in the retail sector. Acquisitions in the retail, logistics, industrial, warehousing and office sectors are also considered\r\n\r\nThe group\'s property investments include:\r\n• Planet Koper (100%), a direct property in Europe valued at EUR69.3m (US$76.5m)\r\n• Forum Coimbra (100%), a direct property in Europe valued at EUR56.2m (US$62.1m)\r\n• Rivetiole (60%), listed real estate in France valued at EUR69.3m (US$80.2m)\r\n• Saint Sever (60%), a direct property in France valued at EUR64.9m (US$71.6m)\r\n• Docks 76 (60%), listed real estate in France valued at EUR 51.3m (US$56.6m)\r\n• Docks Vauban (60%) real estate in France valued at EUR45.0m (US$49.7m)\r\n• Torrecárdenas (100%), Almeria, Spain, Fair value EUR 163.9m (US$180.9m)\r\n• Salera (50%) Castellón de la Plana, Spain, Fair value EUR171.0m (US$180.3m)\r\n• H2O (100%) Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Spain, Fair value: EUR121.0m (US$127.6m)