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R 750.00(ZAR) estimated $ 39.62 (USD)*

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Momentum Group Ltd is a diversified financial services company that provides protection (life and non-life), investment and long-term savings solutions, and healthcare administration through its portfolio of specialised and empowered businesses. The group operates in South Africa, the rest of Africa, India, and the United Kingdom and conducts its business through various operating brands, including Metropolitan, Momentum, Guardrisk, and Eris Properties.\r\n\r\nIt delivers products and services, including the following:\r\n• Life insurance and life cell captives\r\n• Non-life insurance and non-life cell captives offering household, vehicle and corporate insurance\r\n• Asset management and property management\r\n• Investments and savings\r\n• Employee benefits including administration and consulting\r\n• Healthcare administration, managed care and health risk management\r\n• Managed care and wellness services\r\n\r\nMomentum CareCross offers healthcare to lower and middle-income earners and the network that is made up of general practitioners, specialists, dentists and optometrists, provides healthcare to beneficiaries of medical aid schemes and corporate clients across South Africa.