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Sibanye Stillwater Ltd is an independent, global, precious metals mining company that produces a mix of metals including PGMs and gold, with nickel and copper being by-products.\r\n\r\nSibanye Stillwater Ltd is a multinational mining and metals processing group with a portfolio of operations, projects and investments across five continents. The Group is also a global recycler of PGM autocatalysts and has interests in leading mine tailings retreatment operations.\r\n\r\n\r\nDomiciled and with its head office in South Africa, it owns and operates a portfolio of operations and projects that are located as follows:\r\n\r\nFour underground and surface gold operations:\r\n• West Witwatersrand region\r\n• The Cooke Operations consisted of three producing shaft systems as well as three metallurgical plants (subsidiary Rand Uranium (Pty) Ltd\'s operations). All shafts are on care and maintenance. \r\n• The Driefontein Operation has nine operating shafts and four processing plants\r\n• The Kloof Operation has seven operating shafts and two processing plants\r\n\r\nSouthern Free State region\r\n• The Beatrix Operation has three operating shaft systems with two ventilation shafts to provide additional upcast and downcast ventilation capacity and is serviced by two metallurgical plants.\r\n\r\nThe group also has the following gold projects:\r\n• Burnstone\r\n• Far West Gold Recoveries (previously West Rand Tailings Retreatment Project) (indirectly via 50.01% interest in DRDGold Ltd)\r\n• Southern Free State Project \r\n\r\nThe group\'s southern African PGM operations, that also produces chrome concentrate and other metals as a by-product, consists of:\r\n• Kroondal consists of five operating shafts and five shafts under care and maintenance (interest via Aquarius Platinum Ltd) - mechanised mine on the western limb of the Bushveld Complex.\r\n• Rustenburg Operation: includes the Bathopele, Siphumelele (including Khomanani) and Thembelani (including Khuseleka) mining operations, two concentrating plants, an on-site chrome recovery plant, the Western Limb Tailings Retreatment Plant and associated surface infrastructure\r\n• Platinum Mile (100%) - a tailings retreatment facility located adjacent to Kroondal\r\n• Marikana processing and smelter plants, and precious metals refineries, is a large, established shallow to moderate depth PGM mining complex located in the Marikana district, 40km to the east of the town of Rustenburg in the Northwest province of South Africa. Marikana currently has six operating shafts: 4 Belt (4B), K3, K4, Rowland, Saffy, and E3.\r\n\r\n• Mimosa (50% stake via Aquarius Platinum Ltd) - mechanised platinum mine in Zimbabwe. The remaining 50% is held by Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd\r\n\r\nThe group has the following PGM projects in South Africa:\r\n• Akanani (80.13%)\r\n• Limpopo Project\r\n• Blue Ridge Project\r\n\r\nThe group has the following PGM operations in the United States:\r\n• East Boulder mine - located in Sweet Grass County, Montana\r\n• Stillwater mine - near Nye, Montana\r\n• Columbus Metallurgical Complex - includes smelter facilities together with a base metal refinery\r\n\r\nRecycling operation\r\nThe group also has the following projects:\r\n• Altar and Rio Grande project in Argentina\r\n• Marathon PGM (26.0%%) copper project in Canada\r\n• Denison PGM (64.9%) project in Ontario in Canada\r\n• Rhyolite Ridge is an advanced stage llithium exploration project in Esmeralda County, Nevada