Who Owns Whom

The enhancement to WOWEB is now ready to be rolled out, and this process will be managed by our client relations manager, Nomathemba Khumalo.  Noma can be contacted on nomak@wow.joburg.

Woweb4me is a dashboard-like capability, enabling users to create a customised filter on a single WOWEB-page, alerting them to specific, updated research which impacts on their objectives.  It currently comprises nine data sources from the WOWEB file from which all or a specific combination can be selected. Users will be made aware of relevant updated and new research as and when it is loaded to the site.

Each widget includes a search facility for the entire database and the choice is as follows:

Latest BEE Certificates shows new BEE certificates or affidavits as they are loaded and includes a history of ratings for each company. Clients are able to filter the reports to their Watchlist companies, and will soon be able to sort the reports by date, company name or rating change.

Latest Company Profiles shows new or updated profiles and can be filtered to Watchlist companies only. Companies can be sorted alphabetically or by update date.

Latest Industry Reports shows new or updated industry reports, and will soon include a filter to show which reports have been scheduled for update and anticipated delivery date. A search functionality will also be added.

Latest Notifiable Changes shows edits, such as director or ownership changes, or other updates, as they are implemented, by the WOW research production line. Clients can filter the notifications to just their watchlist companies and can sort by company name or date of change.

Latest TakeOver Talk shows M&A, investment and FDI updates as they are loaded. Updates can be filtered to only show for companies on the clients’ Watchlist.

Latest Watchlist Industry Reports is almost identical to Latest Industry Reports, but clients can limit the reports to the industries and/or WOW segments they are following.

Latest Siccodes presents new or updated industry reports by the numeric Standard Industrial Classification codes as set out by Stats SA. Clients can filter to the siccodes they are following.

Latest WOW Segments  presents new or updated industry reports by the WOW segmentation. Clients can filter to the WOW segments they are following.

Latest Country Reports and Snapshots will soon present updated industry reports and economic snapshots as they are uploaded to WOWEB.  Clients will be able to filter the notifications to countries on their watchlist and sort these alphabetically or by date of upload.

Please note that Woweb4me is a complimentary enhancement to WOWEB. Clients will be able to sort the widgets in order of priority and exclude those which are not relevant to them.

We look forward to receiving guidance from our clients on how to improve the widgets and introduce others that may be useful. Woweb4me is there to summarise the changes that have occurred on our database and to prioritise companies,  industries and countries that are relevant to each client.

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Switch Over to WOWEB and Further New Features

As from Monday 1 August 2016, Who Owns Whom clients will automatically be redirected to the new subscriber platform, WOWEB