Who Owns Whom


    [Algeria] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/algeria/
    [Botswana] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/botswana-country-snapshots/
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    [Kenya] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/kenya/
    [Liberia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/liberia/
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    [WOWEB] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/wow/nl-woweb/
    [Zambia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/zambia/
    [Zimbabwe] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/zimbabwe/

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Global Disruptors

I recently paged through the December 2019 copy of the Economist’s The World in 2020 edition, which makes predictions for the year ahead, and while no mention was made of...

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Disruptors present both threats and opportunities and are largely driven by three things; changes in consumer tastes, changes in law and technological innovation. Ostrich feathers were highly fashionable in the...

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The Impact of Covid on Individual Industries

The move to lock down level two brings with it some hope that our economy will gain a fresh momentum to recovery. The WOW industry reports researched since the beginning of lock down have covered the direct impact of the pandemic on various industries. These are some of the observations: Online retail Prior to the corona virus pandemic, online retail sales grew by 20% in 2019, but still accounted for less than 2% of South Africa’s R1-trillion overall retail trade. This compares with ecommerce penetration of 13% to 20% in relatively mature markets in Europe, the US, and China.

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Sectors To Watch Post-Covid

In the light of the president’s commitment to a social compact on July 23rd we have examined the economic strategy documents recently published by Business for SA, the ANC’s Economic Transformation Committee and re-visited the sadly neglected National Development Plan and identified (with some assumptions) the twenty one sectors targeted for growth which are common to these documents.

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The Impact Of The Covid 19 Virus On Individual Industries

These are trying times, but hopefully, once the pandemic has exhausted itself, we will be living in a wiser world. The lockdown presents an opportunity to research new business and new markets to pursue when it lifts.  To assist South African businesses in these difficult times, Who Owns Whom is offering a 50% discount on all industry reports purchased during this period
