Who Owns Whom


    [Algeria] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/algeria/
    [Botswana] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/botswana-country-snapshots/
    [Burundi] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/burundi-country-snapshots/
    [Central Africa] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/central-africa/
    [Democratic Republic of the Congo'] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/democratic-republic-of-the-congo-country-snapshots/
    [Egypt] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/egypt/
    [Eswatini] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/eswatini-country-snapshots/
    [Ethiopia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/ethiopia-country-snapshots/
    [FDI] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/fdi/
    [Ghana'] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/ghana/
    [Guinea] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/guinea/
    [Kenya] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/kenya/
    [Liberia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/liberia/
    [Madagascar] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/madagascar/
    [Malawi] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/malawi/
    [Mauritius] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/mauritius/
    [Morocco] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/morocco-country-snapshots/
    [Mozambique] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/mozambique/
    [Namibia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/namibia/
    [Nigeria] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/nigeria-country-snapshots/
    [South Africa] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/country-snapshots/south-africa-country-snapshots/
    [Tanzania] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/tanzania/
    [WOWEB] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/wow/nl-woweb/
    [Zambia] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/zambia/
    [Zimbabwe] => https://www.whoownswhom.co.za/category/blog/african-countries/zimbabwe/


Release On WOWEB’s Latest Enhancement – Woweb4me

The enhancement to WOWEB is now ready to be rolled out, and this process will be managed by our client relations manager, Nomathemba Khumalo.  Noma can be contacted on nomak@wow.joburg. Woweb4me is a dashboard-like capability, enabling users to create a customised filter on a single WOWEB-page, alerting them to specific, updated research which impacts on their objectives.


Profile your Business in the Who Owns Whom Database

Profile your business in the Who Owns Whom database today and take full advantage of the credible exposure it offers. To submit your company profile, please forward your request to research@whoownswhom.co.za.

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WOWEB Launches Watchlist Facility

The long-awaited Watchlist funtionality is now live on WOWEB. Detailed instructions to create your own Watchlist can be accessed by clicking on ACCOUNT INFO at the top left hand corner of the WOWEB site and scrolling to the bottom of that screen.

Who Owns Whom Moves Into New JHB Offices

We moved from Rosebank to Bryanston last Friday, 2 June and are now settled in our new offices. The address is on the website. Although our email is up and running, the landlines are not yet operational so please contact the PE office on 041 394 0600 if you have any queries. We are in the final stages of testing a new personalised Watchlist facility for clients which will be available on WOWEB towards the end of the month.


Switch Over to WOWEB and Further New Features

As from Monday 1 August 2016, Who Owns Whom clients will automatically be redirected to the new subscriber platform, WOWEB
